Stories of Hope 

Once diagnosed with Sarcoma, your life and the lives of the people around you change forever. These are our stories of hope.

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"There was no time to worry, I had to take care of my kids."

In the spring of 2012, while awaiting the birth of her second son, Beth was incapacitated by a growth on her right foot. Unable to receive treatment because of her condition, she persevered until the pain became unbearable. Tests revealed a tumor, and biopsy results confirmed the growth to be Synovial Sarcoma, a rare form of cancer. Beth underwent an emergency Caesarian section. Little William was delivered safely, and received wonderful care in Windsor Regional’s NICU. Beth was then admitted to Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, home to a world renowned Sarcoma clinic. Dr. Peter Ferguson performed surgery to remove Beth’s right leg below the knee.

Read Beth's full story


"I’ll probably never know when exactly I boarded this involuntary roller coaster. It was a series of minor circumstances and events that unfortunately, or fortunately, led me to where I am today."

In late 2018 and 2019 I was complaining of fatigue and shortness of breath. Many would have attributed it to the fact I was out of shape, and needed to lose some weight.

Read Dana's Full Story


"I was very fit. I watched what I ate, exercised nearly every day. I didn't smoke and rarely drank. I couldn't believe I had cancer."

I am happy to be able to say that I’m a sarcoma cancer survivor with a story to share. Not so long ago, I wasn’t sure that would be the case. I remember waiting patiently for my doctor to return and tell me about the details of my first ever surgery. I was a very fit and healthy twenty seven year old who carefully watched what I ate and exercised nearly every day, with something approaching religious fervour. I didn’t smoke, and I drank socially on a very rare occasion. The doctor entered the examination room in a rush.

Read David's full story


"Sarcoma. Very rare. Chronic. Incurable. Stage 4. I think every single one of those words is enough to strike fear in your heart, but in combination, it is enough to change your life."

Sarcoma. Very rare. Chronic. Incurable. Stage 4. I think every single one of those words is enough to strike fear in your heart, but in combination, it is enough to change your life. It certainly did mine. It was November 1st, 2017. I had had a dry cough. Nothing horrible, but it persisted for a couple of years.

Read Fiona's full story


"Although a great shock, I finally had an answer and realized I wasn’t going completely insane."

So where does my journey start? November 5, 2009, is when cancer first impacted my life. After several operations and two years of misdiagnosis I finally had an answer to why I’d been in so much pain. I had a Synovial Sarcoma in my left arm, 2 cm in size. Although a great shock, I finally had an answer and realized I wasn’t going completely insane.

Read Jane's Full Story


I sat there thinking, I am the healthiest sick person you’d ever meet; how can I have cancer?

“I just want to be a Mom,” I said with a cracking voice and eyes filled with tears after the doctor diagnosed me with the unexpected C word.

Read Michelle's Full Story


"I am grateful that cancer research continues to happen and that new drugs are being brought to the market so that patients like myself have choices and have hope."

I was in Orlando visiting my parents with my husband and our two sons in December 2015, when I realized something was not right.

Read Monique's Full Story


"For me, this is not the end, but writing my story is closure. I am living with pain, but I am living. I am not an angel yet, I am a survivor. I will keep dancing, and I will keep moving forward."

I have been thinking for a while as to what I wanted to do for my three-year anniversary of being cancer free. I have been told that I do not communicate the depth of what actually happened to me during my journey. So, March 23, 2024, being my three-year anniversary, I would like to share it with you.

Read Sharon's Full Story


"I am so thankful to be alive and anxious to share with many that there is life - good life - after cancer."

In March of 2013 the large tumour on my right groin was determined to be cancer. It was a form of cancer I had never heard of before - liposarcoma. "You have the same type of cancer Terry Fox had", the Oncologist said, "only in the fatty tissue". Everything in my world was about to change.

Read Tim's full story


"I have a desire for more time with my family and friends. I want to continue to create memories for those around me."

It was a regular morning and my usual routine of scrubbing off a night’s rest in my morning shower.

Read Tony's Full Story


"It's a cancer that not enough people are aware of. It's so rare I can't even blame the doctors for missing it."

Back in 2008, I had a terrible pain in my lower back and right leg. None of the doctors I went to could figure it out, and my physician at the time only took an X-ray of my back. After about a year of trying different forms of treatment for the pain, a pain specialist sent me for a total body bone scan. That was when I was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, in December of 2009.

Read Valerie's full story